Sunday, December 2, 2012

Facebook Marketing

It is very important to check what it is the trend in marketing our product nowadays.  Now that we have social media like Facebook, Twitter and others, we need to take advantages of these  technologies.  If you have a business, it is very important to have accounts in social media.  It can build reputation, build leads and clients, and many more.  On this article, we will give you some tips on how to build up your market in Facebook.

1.  Create a Facebook Fanpage.  Simply go, select the type of page you want to create, read the terms and condition then fill out the form if you agree.

2. Invite friends and build your audience.  With a good welcoming page and a good fan page setup, it is now time to build your audience by inviting friends.  Interact with them.  Make them clients and have them "like" and "share" your page.  On this way you will get more audience.

3. Watch out for the Facebook Insights.  This will give you an idea how many people are visiting your page or liking it.  In other words, you have to check for the virality of your fanpage.  This will give you a hint on what posts on your fanfage is getting a lot of attention.  From this you can build another startegy on how to market things better.

 4.  Update your fanpage.  This is very important.  If the fanpage is not updated, you will see less and less people visiting your site.  Make sure that your updates are attractive and will catch the attention of the visitors.  Most of the time, a nice graphics is the key to make the post more interesting.  Lastly make sure that your update is related to your selected niche.

There maybe other strategies out there in the internet but what I am sharing is just the basic idea on how marketing works in facebook.

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