Saturday, December 27, 2014

Balagbag Falls Ride

It is December 27, 2014 and it's time for another adventure.  We have not planned for this very well so only few came.  Just me and five of my cousins.  Our destination, Balagbag Falls in Real Quezon.  Our meeting place is Shell station in Tanay going to Sampaloc route.
Meeting Place Shell Station

We started our ride from Tanay around 6am.  We had our first stop in one of the carenderia in Sampaloc area in Tanay for breakfast.  Right after our meal, we started to ride again.  Just a few kilometers away from our 1st stop, we decided to put on our rain gear because there was no sign of having a good sunshine on this trip. 

My Cousins in Carenderia

Second stop was the Jariel's Peak.  This place is quite popular for the riders going to the area.  They serve some good exotic meals at times.  For now, the most exotic food on the menu is rabbit.  Unfortunately we just had some coffee because we're in a hurry.  We just decided to stop because it was very cold, we're wet and it was raining hard.
Jariel's Peak Parking Area
Jariel's Peak Balcony

After  twenty minutes or so, we got back on the road and this mini falls on the roadside caught our attention so we had some picture taking.  This was my third time on this route this year so it was the third time I saw this mini falls and every single visit I made, it had a bit of improvement in terms of amenities.  Right now, there are cottages already built on the roadside if someone decides to take a dip on the cool waters. 
Mini Falls on the Roadside

For the first time, I saw how this route could be so dangerous during rainy season.  Lots of landslides along the road, mud everywhere, boulders of rocks on the roadside just recently moved to clear the path, slippery corners and the most challenging test on this trip, it's the FOG on the zigzag road with just five to six meters of visibility.

Finally we arrived in Infanta, Quezon and since 3 of the bikes we had on this ride are just barebones with limited fuel capacity, we decided to go downtown.  Unfortunately one of my cousin went on "road diving" leaving him with bruises.  His side mirror is damaged and motorcycle fairings have scratches beyond repair so he needs to change it when he get back.  We stayed at the gasoline station for more than 30 minutes so my cousin can rest for awhile because he's still in state of shock but I know deep inside, "his pride hurts more than his cuts"
My Cousin Assessing His Bike
Damaged Part
My Cousin's Crash Mark on the Road
 After resting, my injured cousin made up his mind to continue with the challenge.  Time to get back on the road and head for Balagbag Falls.  We arrived there around 11 am.  Some jumped off the cliff down the falls and they all look excited having  a bit of adrenaline rush.  In comparison with Taytay Falls in Majayjay Laguna, Balagbag looks way a lot better.  However, Taytay Falls have better water quality.  It was nice to accomplish this ride.  We had our lunch at Famy Laguna and headed home.
Balagbag Falls

Mission Accomplished!

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