Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aquarium Maintenance Made Easy

A lot of people from the past and present had the chance of taking care of fishes from fishbowl to full blown aquarium setup only findout, thier interest on this hobby is slowly fading.  There are several reasons for this.

1. People get busy-  As teenagers grows older, they look for job.  When people get a job, they look for more jobs to get a higher salary.  More work means less time for aquariums.

2. People migrate-  People tend to get lazy to setup another aquarium if they move from one place to another

3. Ignorance in aquarium maintenance- For most of the people, they still think that maintaining the aquarium is a very tiresome chore.  They enjoy it in the beginning but when they start to clean it, that's where the heart for the hobby starts to die.

Of course there is nothing we can do to fix the first two reasons why people quit the aquarium hobby.  However, there is a technique on how to deal with the fourth reason.  Follow the correct steps on cleaning the aquarium below:

1. Get the bucket ready.
2. Siphon the substrate from dirt that you can see.  No need to drain up to the last drop.
3. Make sure you drain 25% of the water level only.
4. Scrub the visible sides from algae or diatoms.
5. Replenish the aquarium with dechlorinated or treated water.

Hope these tips can get the hobbyist back on track. It may differ a little bit from others but basically the main idea is not to take out everything from the aquarium then put it back together again.  For more aquarium tips, please visit  If you get a warning when visiting the site, just ignore it. Our site has been cleaned and is currently on the process of being unmarked from being unsafe site.

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