Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Creating An Article

For most bloggers especially to those who are just starting, creating an article is one of the challenges that they will face.  However, thanks to the authors and experienced writers, they have shared some of thier techniques on how to create an effective article in just a few minutes.  I will share some of the techniques I learned from others on this post.

1. Focus on one article at a time.  Mind works best if your mind is focused on one topic only.
2. Create an outline of the topic you want to make. You can check the sample below:
Title: How do I create an aquarium?
I. Creating an aquarium
    a. prepare the materials
    b. create your aquascape
II. Put the water
III . Conclusion

3. Put these outline together and form sentences. Connect each part of the outline and make sure it is understandable.
4. Review and edit your work.  Don't be hasty.  Take time to review your work and make sure it's free from grammatical errors.
5. Add illustrations or some graphics on your work if necessary.  Sometimes, adding a picture on your work will give the reader a better view on what you want to convey to them.
6. Publish your work. Let the people know of your work.

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