Saturday, December 27, 2014

Balagbag Falls Ride

It is December 27, 2014 and it's time for another adventure.  We have not planned for this very well so only few came.  Just me and five of my cousins.  Our destination, Balagbag Falls in Real Quezon.  Our meeting place is Shell station in Tanay going to Sampaloc route.
Meeting Place Shell Station

We started our ride from Tanay around 6am.  We had our first stop in one of the carenderia in Sampaloc area in Tanay for breakfast.  Right after our meal, we started to ride again.  Just a few kilometers away from our 1st stop, we decided to put on our rain gear because there was no sign of having a good sunshine on this trip. 

My Cousins in Carenderia

Second stop was the Jariel's Peak.  This place is quite popular for the riders going to the area.  They serve some good exotic meals at times.  For now, the most exotic food on the menu is rabbit.  Unfortunately we just had some coffee because we're in a hurry.  We just decided to stop because it was very cold, we're wet and it was raining hard.
Jariel's Peak Parking Area
Jariel's Peak Balcony

After  twenty minutes or so, we got back on the road and this mini falls on the roadside caught our attention so we had some picture taking.  This was my third time on this route this year so it was the third time I saw this mini falls and every single visit I made, it had a bit of improvement in terms of amenities.  Right now, there are cottages already built on the roadside if someone decides to take a dip on the cool waters. 
Mini Falls on the Roadside

For the first time, I saw how this route could be so dangerous during rainy season.  Lots of landslides along the road, mud everywhere, boulders of rocks on the roadside just recently moved to clear the path, slippery corners and the most challenging test on this trip, it's the FOG on the zigzag road with just five to six meters of visibility.

Finally we arrived in Infanta, Quezon and since 3 of the bikes we had on this ride are just barebones with limited fuel capacity, we decided to go downtown.  Unfortunately one of my cousin went on "road diving" leaving him with bruises.  His side mirror is damaged and motorcycle fairings have scratches beyond repair so he needs to change it when he get back.  We stayed at the gasoline station for more than 30 minutes so my cousin can rest for awhile because he's still in state of shock but I know deep inside, "his pride hurts more than his cuts"
My Cousin Assessing His Bike
Damaged Part
My Cousin's Crash Mark on the Road
 After resting, my injured cousin made up his mind to continue with the challenge.  Time to get back on the road and head for Balagbag Falls.  We arrived there around 11 am.  Some jumped off the cliff down the falls and they all look excited having  a bit of adrenaline rush.  In comparison with Taytay Falls in Majayjay Laguna, Balagbag looks way a lot better.  However, Taytay Falls have better water quality.  It was nice to accomplish this ride.  We had our lunch at Famy Laguna and headed home.
Balagbag Falls

Mission Accomplished!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Manila to Leyte Ride

I have made my 1st Manila to Leyte solo motorcycle ride last November 14, 2014.  I left Manila with 9,302 KM on my gauge.  It was roughly 21.5 hours drive to my parents house.
My outfit during the ride.

My route started from Antipolo because my motorcycle is only 150cc therefore I am not allowed to pass by SLEX. I took the Pagsanjan to Luisiana to Lucban Quezon route.  When I reached Tayabas, I took the diversion road going straight to Pagbilao Quezon.  I made my first stop in Gumaca, Quezon.  Then had another ride to Naga which is another 4 hours from Gumaca.  The traffic in Naga will give you a 3 hour drive to Daraga Albay instead of 2.  From Daraga Albay to Matnog Sorsogon will give you another 125km.

After reaching Matnog, me and my bike needed to ride a Ferry boat going to Alen Samar.  I reached Calbayog City around 6PM so I looked for a lodging house and stayed for a night.  The following morning I started my ride again.  The road from Calbayog to Tacloban is really nice so I have maintained my speed between 80kph to 95kph.  I did not want to push my bike towards an inch of its life so I am a bit relaxed whilst driving.

When I reached Tacloban, I had a huge smile on my face.  Finally, I will reach home in 2 hours.  Unfortunately, the road from Tacloban to Baybay City is not very good.  If it's not a broken road, it is uneven road.  Lots of potholes along the way and obviously it was caused by the Super Typhoon Yolanda.  I checked my odometer and the reading was 10,295km. All in all, I rode 993KM.

I stayed with my parents house till  November 20, 2014.  We went to Hindang cave just a day before I left.  The coolest thing about this Hindang cave are the wild monkeys. Sooo cute but precaution is needed. Monkeys don't like people staring at them.  If you have the food just give it otherwise they will take it by force if given an opportunity. Special thanks to my cousin Peter John Sia for taking our pictures on this adventure.
Me in the mouth of one of the caves

Me and my uncle in the cave filled with bats.

Great landscape on the way to the cave.

Another me.

The leader of the group.

Alpha male.

Mommy monkey with a baby.

I started my way back home November 21, 2014.  Had a little trouble in Calbayog.  My rear tire got punctured by a wire which made 2 holes on my tubeless tires.  Unable to have it vulcanized, I decided to put a tube on it.  Unfortunately, I just reached Alen then I need to replace the tube again.  The 2nd tube reached Manila.  Finally I arrived home November 22, 2014 2PM.
This piece of metal punctured my tubeless tires.
To those who want to try this ride, you have got to prepare really well especially on rainy season.  Very tiring but rewarding.  It would have been more fun if it was a group ride.  My only regret is that, my only camera is a cellphone cam.  Lots of good views worth the shot.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Making Money on the Internet

Hey guys,

Today I wanted to share this REALLY interesting blog post I've just stumbled across...

...Check it out here: How to make money online fast

The interesting thing about it is, not only will it show you how to make money online using a simple system, but if you follow the instructions, you WILL make money... TODAY!

Yes that's right, today! Not tomorrow, not next Friday but today.

...Providing you follow the instructions that is.

But giving this the once over, I can say it's very much possible making money the same day implementing it.

Don't get me wrong, you're NOT gonna be a millionaire over night, or make thousands for that matter, but it's very much possible to start making $50 - $100 today using this.

Check it out for yourself here: How to make money online fast

But perhaps the BEST thing about this (apart from making money on the same day of implementing it of course) is just how EASY this is to use and make money with.

In fact I'm little disappointed I didn't think of this myself!

This method doesn't involve any complicated stuff that normally bogs you down and prevents you from making money online like:

- NO articles to write

- NO websites to build

- NO SEO to do

- NO waiting to be approved at any sites

- NO listbuilding

...There's even NO selling involved!

So I would recommend checking out this post, especially if you're just starting out internet marketing or you've been trying to make money online but just can't make it work for you for some reason or other...

...As this system will break everything down into nice easy digestible chunks that ANYONE can follow.

You can see the post here: How to make money online fast

However, if you're already established online and making good money already, then you may want to give it a miss. I'm not saying you won't learn anything NEW, in fact I think you will...

...It's just that I'm a big believer of "if you've got something working for you already, then scale it up as everything else just serves as a distraction".

But hey, that's my opinion :)

Anyway, if you want to make $100 - $300 a day... This post will definitely get you there!

How to make money online fast

Speak soon.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Facebook Marketing

It is very important to check what it is the trend in marketing our product nowadays.  Now that we have social media like Facebook, Twitter and others, we need to take advantages of these  technologies.  If you have a business, it is very important to have accounts in social media.  It can build reputation, build leads and clients, and many more.  On this article, we will give you some tips on how to build up your market in Facebook.

1.  Create a Facebook Fanpage.  Simply go, select the type of page you want to create, read the terms and condition then fill out the form if you agree.

2. Invite friends and build your audience.  With a good welcoming page and a good fan page setup, it is now time to build your audience by inviting friends.  Interact with them.  Make them clients and have them "like" and "share" your page.  On this way you will get more audience.

3. Watch out for the Facebook Insights.  This will give you an idea how many people are visiting your page or liking it.  In other words, you have to check for the virality of your fanpage.  This will give you a hint on what posts on your fanfage is getting a lot of attention.  From this you can build another startegy on how to market things better.

 4.  Update your fanpage.  This is very important.  If the fanpage is not updated, you will see less and less people visiting your site.  Make sure that your updates are attractive and will catch the attention of the visitors.  Most of the time, a nice graphics is the key to make the post more interesting.  Lastly make sure that your update is related to your selected niche.

There maybe other strategies out there in the internet but what I am sharing is just the basic idea on how marketing works in facebook.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Real Online Marketing

Marketing using link manipulation became very difficult nowadays.  Google Panda and Penguin sunk a lot of marketing sites. Google made a lot of drastic changes in the online business recently.  Google is slowly closing all these link manipulation loopholes.  Here's what's new:

View full image

SEO is Dead

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Creating An Article

For most bloggers especially to those who are just starting, creating an article is one of the challenges that they will face.  However, thanks to the authors and experienced writers, they have shared some of thier techniques on how to create an effective article in just a few minutes.  I will share some of the techniques I learned from others on this post.

1. Focus on one article at a time.  Mind works best if your mind is focused on one topic only.
2. Create an outline of the topic you want to make. You can check the sample below:
Title: How do I create an aquarium?
I. Creating an aquarium
    a. prepare the materials
    b. create your aquascape
II. Put the water
III . Conclusion

3. Put these outline together and form sentences. Connect each part of the outline and make sure it is understandable.
4. Review and edit your work.  Don't be hasty.  Take time to review your work and make sure it's free from grammatical errors.
5. Add illustrations or some graphics on your work if necessary.  Sometimes, adding a picture on your work will give the reader a better view on what you want to convey to them.
6. Publish your work. Let the people know of your work.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Aquarium Maintenance Made Easy

A lot of people from the past and present had the chance of taking care of fishes from fishbowl to full blown aquarium setup only findout, thier interest on this hobby is slowly fading.  There are several reasons for this.

1. People get busy-  As teenagers grows older, they look for job.  When people get a job, they look for more jobs to get a higher salary.  More work means less time for aquariums.

2. People migrate-  People tend to get lazy to setup another aquarium if they move from one place to another

3. Ignorance in aquarium maintenance- For most of the people, they still think that maintaining the aquarium is a very tiresome chore.  They enjoy it in the beginning but when they start to clean it, that's where the heart for the hobby starts to die.

Of course there is nothing we can do to fix the first two reasons why people quit the aquarium hobby.  However, there is a technique on how to deal with the fourth reason.  Follow the correct steps on cleaning the aquarium below:

1. Get the bucket ready.
2. Siphon the substrate from dirt that you can see.  No need to drain up to the last drop.
3. Make sure you drain 25% of the water level only.
4. Scrub the visible sides from algae or diatoms.
5. Replenish the aquarium with dechlorinated or treated water.

Hope these tips can get the hobbyist back on track. It may differ a little bit from others but basically the main idea is not to take out everything from the aquarium then put it back together again.  For more aquarium tips, please visit  If you get a warning when visiting the site, just ignore it. Our site has been cleaned and is currently on the process of being unmarked from being unsafe site.